"a caterpillar doesn't just grow into a butterfly. a caterpillar must undergo metamorphosis, and a cocoon is where a caterpillar risks it all: enters total chaos, undergoes total rebuilding, and is born to a new way of living. only in taking the risk of entering that inert cocoon can the caterpillar go from dormancy to potency, from ugliness to beauty."

Sunday, December 19, 2004

post-birthday post

"happy birthday to you (happy birthday to me), happy birthday to you (happy birthday to me), happy birthday (happy birthday), happy birthday (happy birthday), happy birthday to you (happy birthday to me)"

i turned twenty two yesterday. i'm now twenty two. bow.

out of the 380 friends in my friendster list, 10 greeted me with personal messages. that's not so bad, considering that people nowadays no longer bother to check their friendster accounts like they used to.

out of my 12 physics major-classmates/batchmates, 6 made it known to me that they remembered my day. i don't know what happened with the other six.

in correct order, these are the people who sent me text messages to greet me happy birthday: blue, randy, hazel, yoni, kurt, papang & mamang, ilian, jericho, rose, tita emie, my cinema buddy sealdi, vl, nikki, tita binbin, tin, tita yenyen, benjie, micmic, my best friend shella, ivan, johncy, julius, kuyang, naomi.

blue sent in her text meesage out around 1:20 am. randy, who spared more of his credits to send a picture message, almost cursed blue for taking away the "first-to-greet-on-the-day" honor from him, mwehehehe. my bestfriend who used to be always the first one to greet me, managed to key in her message only after 6 pm. i thought she forgot, but it turned out she only ran out of load credits and didn't have the chance to reload until after about 6 o'clock.

since i'm currently away from most of my friends and family, those who were able to greet me face-to-face are my relatively new friends who sung with me the birthday song during our christmas party yesterday.

i got tired after the party so i just took time to sleep from 3pm to 7:30pm. after that, i treated myself to greenbelt 3 where i watched the awesome fireworks display and made myself a couch potato in one of the cozy cinemas.

no, i didn't go out with my friends. you see, when you have many sets of friends, it's so difficult to make them come together. for my case, it's so complicated. i think spending time with all of them together in one go would only bring out my almost-always-hidden multiple personalities, hahaha! it's too dangerous, i think.

during my 21st year on this planet, i...
  • ...went home to iligan 4 times. that means, i spent money on airplane tickets for 4 round trips, which translates to 8 airplane rides. in fact, i'm talking about more than 8 plane rides considering that, at one time, the plane took the hellish manila-cagayan de oro-mactan-cagayan de oro-mactan-cagayan de oro-manila route.
  • ...parted ways with my 09174883419 subscriber identity module because it just simply stopped working one fine day.
  • ...lost my walkman and my cellphone on separate occasions. both items have sentimental value. i bought them with my allowance from DOST and they served as souvenirs of my scholarship.
  • ...started this blog! yehey!
  • ...mustered enough courage to let some of my self-made, well-crafted guards down (read: i ate more pride, believe it or not), hahaha.
  • ...reached baguio city alone. what a personal accomplishment!
  • ...filled the "special" notebook i have been writing on since 2002. it's so special that, so far, only i have read it! mwhehehehe... but it's meant to be given away, so i'm gonna give it away. who wants to have it? by the way, i started on a new one, too!
  • ...was able to spend wonderful days in tagaytay and had a reload of my inspiring and rejuvenating 2002 and 2003 tagaytay experiences.

  • for my 22nd year, i will...

    oh, we'll see.


    1. Sorry! I didn't know...


      originally posted on 12.19.04 - 7:23 pm using Haloscan comment board

    2. no problem. thanks, mark.

      originally posted on 12.19.04 - 11:16 pm using Haloscan comment board

    3. hey, happy birthday

      originally posted on 12.20.04 - 8:29 am using Haloscan comment board

    4. belated happy birthday!! so i take it you're not going home to iligan for the holidays? sigh! me too. ;( how'd you find out about the new url? i'm just doing the rounds, announcing the new addy.

      originally posted on 12.20.04 - 3:52 pm using Haloscan comment board

    5. thanks, thanks!

      aRiaNe, i'm going home on december 24, hehehe...

      regarding the url, i followed the link from your profile page

      originally posted on 12.20.04 - 5:38 pm using Haloscan comment board


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